Hyundai Details: How to Protect Your Hyundai Car from Theft and Damage

Hyundai is one of the most popular and reliable car brands in the world, with millions of loyal customers and fans. However, owning a Hyundai car also comes with some risks and challenges, such as theft and damage. According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, Hyundai was the seventh most stolen car brand in the U.S. in 2020, with 19,610 thefts reported. Moreover, according to CarMD, Hyundai was the fourth most expensive car brand to repair in 2020, with an average repair cost of $374.42.

Fortunately, there are some ways to protect your Hyundai car from theft and damage, and to reduce your repair costs and hassles. In this article, we will share some tips and tricks on how to keep your Hyundai car safe and sound, and how to deal with any problems that may arise. We will also provide some examples, case studies, and statistics to support our points. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of how to protect your Hyundai car from theft and damage, and how to enjoy your Hyundai car for a long time.

How to prevent your Hyundai car from being stolen

Theft is one of the most common and frustrating problems that car owners face. Not only does it cause financial loss, but also emotional distress and inconvenience. According to the FBI, a car is stolen every 43 seconds in the U.S., and the average loss per theft is $8,886. Moreover, only about 56% of stolen cars are recovered, and many of them are damaged or stripped of parts.

Therefore, it is important to take some preventive measures to deter thieves from targeting your Hyundai car, and to increase the chances of recovering it if it is stolen. Here are some of the best practices to prevent your Hyundai car from being stolen:

  • Always lock your car and take your keys with you. This may sound obvious, but many car thefts occur because the owners leave their cars unlocked or their keys inside. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 40% of car thefts are due to driver error, such as leaving the keys in the ignition, the doors unlocked, or the windows open. Therefore, you should always lock your car and take your keys with you, even if you are only leaving it for a few minutes.
  • Park in a secure and well-lit area. Another way to deter thieves from targeting your Hyundai car is to park it in a secure and well-lit area, such as a garage, a driveway, or a parking lot with surveillance cameras and security guards. You should also avoid parking in isolated or dark areas, such as alleys, side streets, or vacant lots, where thieves can easily break into your car or tow it away without being noticed.
  • Use anti-theft devices and systems. You can also use anti-theft devices and systems to make your Hyundai car more difficult to steal or to track it down if it is stolen. Some of the most common and effective anti-theft devices and systems are:
    • Steering wheel locks: These are metal bars that attach to the steering wheel and prevent it from being turned. They are visible and can discourage thieves from attempting to steal your car.
    • Wheel locks: These are devices that lock the lug nuts on your wheels and prevent them from being removed. They can prevent thieves from stealing your wheels or towing your car away.
    • Alarm systems: These are devices that emit a loud noise and flash the lights when someone tries to break into your car or start it without the key. They can attract attention and scare away thieves.
    • Immobilizer systems: These are devices that prevent the engine from starting without the proper key or code. They can prevent thieves from hot-wiring your car or using a duplicate key.
    • Tracking systems: These are devices that use GPS or cellular technology to locate your car if it is stolen. They can help you and the police find your car and recover it.
  • Some of these devices and systems may come with your Hyundai car, or you can buy them separately and install them yourself or with the help of a professional. According to the Insurance Information Institute, using anti-theft devices and systems can also lower your car insurance premiums, as they reduce the risk of theft and loss.
  • Be aware of the latest theft trends and techniques. You should also be aware of the latest theft trends and techniques that thieves use to steal cars, and how to avoid them. For example, in recent years, there has been a surge of thefts targeting certain Hyundai and Kia models from 2011 to 2021, especially in the Midwest. These models lack an immobilizer system and can be easily started with a USB cable or a screwdriver. Hyundai and Kia have responded by offering free software updates, steering wheel locks, and wheel locks to affected owners, and by developing a theft-prevention software update for next year. You can check if your Hyundai car is eligible for these solutions by visiting the Hyundai anti-theft resources website or calling the Hyundai assistance line at 800-633-5151.

How to prevent your Hyundai car from being damaged

Damage is another common and frustrating problem that car owners face. Damage can occur due to various reasons, such as accidents, weather, vandalism, or wear and tear. Damage can affect the appearance, performance, and safety of your Hyundai car, and can also reduce its value and lifespan. According to CarMD, the average repair cost for a Hyundai car in 2020 was $374.42, which is higher than the industry average of $353.81.

Therefore, it is important to take some preventive measures to protect your Hyundai car from damage, and to minimize the impact of damage if it occurs. Here are some of the best practices to prevent your Hyundai car from being damaged:

  • Drive safely and defensively. The most obvious and effective way to prevent your Hyundai car from being damaged is to drive safely and defensively. You should follow the traffic rules and regulations, avoid speeding, tailgating, or distracted driving, and be alert and courteous to other drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists. You should also avoid driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or fatigue, and wear your seat belt at all times. According to the National Safety Council, 38,800 people died and 4.4 million people were injured in car crashes in the U.S. in 2019, and many of these crashes could have been prevented by safe and defensive driving.
  • Maintain your car regularly. Another way to prevent your Hyundai car from being damaged is to maintain it regularly. You should follow the recommended maintenance schedule for your Hyundai car, which you can find in your owner’s manual or on the Hyundai website. You should also check your car’s fluid levels, tire pressure, battery, brakes, lights, and other components frequently, and replace or repair them as needed. You should also keep your car clean and waxed, and protect it from rust and corrosion. According to AAA, regular car maintenance can prevent breakdowns, improve fuel efficiency, extend the life of your car, and save you money on repairs.
  • Protect your car from the elements. You should also protect your Hyundai car from the elements, such as sun, rain, snow, hail, wind, or dust. You should park your car in a garage, a carport, or under a shade whenever possible, and use a car cover if you have to park it outdoors for a long time. You should also avoid parking your car under trees, power lines, or other objects that may fall on it or scratch it. You should also prepare your car for different weather conditions, such as using snow tires, antifreeze, and windshield wipers in winter, and using sun shades, window tinting, and air conditioning in summer. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, extreme weather can affect your car’s battery, engine, tires, paint, and interior, and can reduce its performance and efficiency.
  • Prevent and remove dents and scratches. You should also prevent and remove dents and scratches on your Hyundai car, as they can affect its appearance and value, and can also lead to rust and corrosion. You should avoid parking your car in tight or crowded spaces, and leave enough room between your car and other cars or objects. You should also use caution when opening your car doors, and avoid slamming them or hitting them against other surfaces. You should also remove any dirt, debris, or bird droppings from your car as soon as possible, as they can damage your car’s paint. If you notice any dents or scratches on your car, you should fix them as soon as possible, either by yourself or with the help of a professional. According to Kelley Blue Book, dents and scratches can lower your car’s resale value by 10% to 20%, depending on the severity and location of the damage.